Third grade students will focus on four areas of mathematics. They will have an understanding of multiplication and division strategies within 100. Third grade students will build and understanding of fractions, rectangular arrays and area, and be able to describe and analyze two dimensional shapes. For Language Arts, third grade students will ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text. They will also determine meanings of words and phrases as they are used in a text (both literal and non-literal). Third grade students will identify and know the meanings of the most common prefixes and suffixes. For the area of reading, third grade students will be able to read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. For the area of writing, third grade students will write opinion pieces on topics or texts to support a point of view with reasons. Third grade students will complete two service learning projects per year as outlined in the Hall County Balanced Scorecard.
Third grade team:
Mrs. Barton
Mr. Hatch
Mrs. Pulliam